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Join Us This Week
Every Sunday 9:30 am
Prayer before service, 9:00am in the upper room
Evening Youth Group: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Can't make it in person this week?
Join us!
Come next Sunday at 9:30am! We'll start with praise and worship with both children and adults in the main sanctuary, followed by a teaching time for youth and adults. Before the teaching, there will be a meet and greet time as the children under 6th grade head to their classroom. Pastor Landon teaches through the Bible verse by verse so you'll want to bring a bible or ask for one at church and we'll be sure to give you one. After service, there is a time of fellowship so you can start building friendships.
"What do I wear?"
The Bible says in 1 Samuel 16:7, that "the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart." We believe that it is more important that you come with a open heart to hear from Christ and what He wants to speak to you than to be concerned about what you are wearing. So, come in jeans and a t-shirt or a suit and a tie! It doesn't matter! We’re genuinely interested in you and your growth in Christ, not your attire.
"What about kids?"
After family worship in the sanctuary, all nursery and elementary age kids line up at the back door and are lead to the children's room by their teachers. We currently are on our 2nd, 4 year chronological study of they bible by Answers Curriculum. This includes a time for basic bible skills, teaching, review activities and prayer. The nursery is located next to the sanctuary, parents a welcome to take in any part of the service from a live feed on a TV. We encourage all parents to talk with their kids about their bible lesson each week!
"What about my older kids?"
The middle and high school kids stay in the main sanctuary for teaching. We encourage parents to talk with their youth each week about the teaching to help answer questions and continue the learning at home. We believe as a church family it is important for our young adults to connect with older believers to be discipled and opportunities to listen, learn and love together. Youth also have the opportunity to help in the children's classrooms as a teacher assistant or, for 8th grade and above, in the nursery.
A separate youth (RISE Youth Group) study for those in 6th-12th grade, is held on most Sunday evenings at the church from 5:30pm-7:30pm. The youth group is currently studying "1st John". Of course there is food and sometimes a few games! Please visit the youth website for more details.
"What about money (tithing, financial offering)?"
We do accept financial gifts on behalf of the Lord. These monies are used to support the practical needs of the church, such as mortgage and electricity, as well as ministerial needs of the church, such as pastoral wages, mission support, outreach, benevolence, and fellowship times. You will never experience harassment or manipulation about money. As far as Freedom Fellowship is concerned, you're giving to God is exactly that: giving to God. On the other hand, we are not resistant to discuss this subject as we come to those areas in Scripture that warrant the explanation and exposition of giving, stewardship, tithing, and offering to God.
Our desire is to allow the Holy Spirit to move in the believer to give cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:7) with the knowledge that such is an offering of thanksgiving (Deuteronomy 26). For the building of their faith, we do encourage every believer who has a home church to be consistent financial supporters of that church, as the Lord directs.
An offering is not taken during service time. In other words, a basket to receive tithes and offerings is not passed through the sanctuary, however we do have Tithe boxes located at the rear and front entrences of the church. Should you desire, you may place your tithe in the offering box before or after service.
If you would like information on the subject of tithing/giving, feel free to ask one of the pastors or elders.
"How do I get involved?"
There's a few ways!
At church, you'll find a Visitor Card on the tables at either door. Be sure and fill that out and place it in the offering box.
Take a look at the events, studies and events listed on the Event page of this website.
Take a look at the bulletin and/or signup to receive the FF Newsletter email for the most current news.
I still have a questions!
Send them our way using the our contact form. We can also talk on Sunday morning before or after service or you can submit a question on the Visitor Card.